It is the residence of the representatives of the Venetian government in the city from 1481 to 1511, the year in which Gradisca passed from the Republic of Venice to the Habsburg Empire. Subsequently, imperial captains and then noble families lived in the palace. On a plaque, placed on the façade of the building along Via Alighieri, we can read the names of the 25 Venetian government officials who managed the city.
Built at the end of the 15th century, the building still has a massive structure typical of the time, of which we can note in particular the thickness of the walls on the ground floor and the stone reinforcement of the corner of the building between Via Battisti and Via Alighieri. In the eighteenth century the building underwent changes to the façade to better adapt to the residential needs of the Baselli family: the rectangular windows on the first floor and the balcony with wrought iron railing, supported by three corbels, were added on that occasion.
Inside, some rooms on the ground floor have a cross-vaulted ceiling. From the internal courtyard of the building we can see a tower, perhaps a trace of the original building.
Today the building is the seat of the regional wine shop "La Serenissima", opened here in 1965 as the second public wine shop in Italy.