The Hell
Just past the entrance portal, on the left, opens the Inferno, frescoed by Antonio da Firenze. The cycle is attributed to the late period of the painter and dates back to between 1503, the year of the assignment to the Grimani of the Abbey, and 1506, the year in which Antonio was already deceased.
On the counter-facade is painted the figure of Saint Michael the Archangel, the weigher of souls.
Source: The Abbey of Santa Maria di Sesto al Reghena, edited by Umberto Trame.
Photo Municipal Archive, courtesy of the Abbey

The Paradise
Photo Ciol

The Paradise
As dark and ruined by time and the injuries of the faithful as it is, the Paradise is dazzling in tones of gold and blue, developing around the Coronation of the Virgin, greeted by an orchestra of angels and a celestial dance.
Accompanying this central scene is the procession of Prophets, Saints, and Holy Women, recognizable by their classic attributes, signs of martyrdom.