If we trust the engraving found during a recent maintenance intervention, it could date back to the mid-16th century (Domenico Milanensis fecit- 22 marzo 1543). It was first Palazzo Marzin, then Fedeli, Aliprandi, and finally Lena who are the current owners.
It is part of a complex of buildings used as residences and warehouses, in which it is difficult to discern the original architectural and typological features, because the ensemble has been profoundly transformed due to the division into individual properties. The manor house, now detached from the rest of the complex, develops over three floors, marked by the regular and symmetrical arrangement of rectangular windows, enriched on the first floor by slightly projecting balconies. On the left side of the facade, a subsequent extension is evident.
During the First World War, it hosted the 1st unit and the direction of the field hospital 045 of the III Armata with a capacity of 540 beds.