In the center of the village that since the late Middle Ages expanded to the north of the castle, along the main road, one can notice the imposing sixteenth-century structure of the palace named after the two families who desired it, the Beccaris, and who later inhabited it, the Nonis (formerly Naninis or Noninis). Solid nuclei of the local bourgeoisie, engaged in notary work, priesthood, administration, and property still in the 16th century, the Beccaris and Nonis contributed greatly to the civil and cultural history of Cordovado. It was a Beccaris (Francesco) the parish priest who defended the commoner Scantino at the time of the apparition of the Madonna and the construction of the church of the B.V.. A Beccaris was also the wife of Antonio Carneo, painter of the sanctuary.
The coat of arms of the Beccaris is present on the main portal of the ancient church of Sant’Andrea and is formed by two stars with an ox's head (the surname refers to activities related to the art of butchery). In the church itself, the oldest tombstone, dated 1473, is adorned with the coat of arms of the noble Beccaris family, which is also found to have been related to the Attimis. The building, of late Renaissance craftsmanship, is compact and massive but not lacking in linearity and harmony, rising on a portico with three openings.
On a mezzanine of the staircase leading to the top floor of the palace (perhaps the original roof level modified in the seventeenth century) there is a fresco of Madonna with child of good craftsmanship, recently restored.